Coronavirus: Facts Vs. Fear
The coronavirus has taken the media by storm, and the outlook isn’t too positive. Turning on the news may feel like the most convenient way of learning the latest scoop about the growing pandemic, but be aware that the media loves to shine the spotlight on the negatives. That includes mortality rate, number of total confirmed cases, and overall decline of the financial markets.
It’s understandable to have concerns for you and your loved one’s well-being as the number of confirmed cases continues to rise; However, it’s important to take a step back and consider the larger picture.
A More Optimistic Outlook
Cambiar Senior Analyst Charmaine Chan shared her assessment of the coronavirus in a video that you can watch by clicking here.
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Here are some of the positive highlights mentioned by Chan:
- “Both suppliers and consumers are slowly returning to pre-crisis behaviors in China.”
- “March will be a key month to watch not just for resumption in manufacturing, but also in demand generation.”
- “The most promising treatment being tested is Gilead’s Remdesivir, an anti-viral originally developed for MERS/Ebola, which is currently in the final phases of human clinical trials for COVID-19. Existing drugs such as chloroquine, interferon-alpha 2s and various antibiotics being repurposed for COVID-19 also appear to have some treatment effect.”
What are the numbers telling us?
It seems that the fear of the virus has spread across the globe more rapidly than the virus itself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the coronavirus, a good reference point to evaluate for some relief is the number of active vs recovered cases. Johns Hopkins provides an “interactive web-based dashboard”, which tracks the progression of the coronavirus in real time. Click here to check it out.
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This dashboard tells you the total number of confirmed cases, total deaths, and total recovered cases world-wide. You can also click on a specific county to follow the progression of the virus in areas that are more local to your home. you might feel a sense of relief from seeing the data for yourself, as well as seeing that the rate for new daily cases is relatively flat.
The bottom line
We can continue to speculate the numbers, but the outlook is that these numbers are going to continue to rise, both domestically and abroad. During these volatile times, it’s important that we continue to focus on our long-term goals and stick to our financial game plans.
Clients, if you’re trying to limit your exposure to the public and don’t feel comfortable visiting our office, we are more than happy to speak with you over the phone. If you have any concerns regarding the market’s impact on your personal financial situation, please reach out to us.
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